
Thing #18 YouTube & Other Online Video

Thing #18 is all about YouTube and who does not love YouTube? I have friends who add videos of their kids to it. I started to look around and I found a cute of of Kermit the Frog signing ‘Lime in the Coconut’. The only thing bad about YouTube is that once you start to look around you just cant stop! I took a look at Google Video and its not as user friendly as YouTube and when I put in a search it pulled up YouTube videos!

I was looking for a fun video and I was talking to some friends the other day about the Muppets. So I just put in Muppets in the search field and pulled up clips of the old Muppet Show with them signing songs with all sorts of people. I thought this one was cute and who does not like Kermit?

YouTube would be great to put up videos of library events, for publicity, summer events, story times, etc. Its a great site for everyone.