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The Norwegian Explorers Annual Dinner 2019

Tonight was The Norwegian Explorers Annual Dinner 2019! A wonderful event held at The Minneapolis Golf Club.

Here was the program:
6:30 pm Social Time, with cash bar
7:00 pm British Buffet
Tossed Salad, Shepherd’s Pie, Yorkshire Pudding, Pea Salad, Fish and Chips, Berry Trifle, Carrots, Coffee and Tea

“Our special guest speaker will be award-winning author, screenwriter and director Nicholas Meyer. He is the author of “The Seven-Per-Cent Solution,” “The West End Horror” and “The Canary Trainer.” He will share his passion for Sherlock Holmes and other facets of his storied career and will discuss his most recent work, “The Adventure of the Peculiar Protocols.” Copies will be available for purchase and inscription by the author. Our evening will also include the Annual Meeting and election of officers, presentation of Sigerson Awards, toasts, Irregular contests, quizzes, and other activities. All attendees will receive a limited edition copy of The Norwegian Explorers 2019 Christmas Annual” (dinner program, Duchess Press 2019).

For the past 18 years The Norwegian Explorers of Minnesota (a scion society of the Baker Street Irregulars of New York which is devoted to all things Sherlock Holmes) has published a Christmas Annual and the theme this year was “MYSTERY, IMAGINATION, AND HORROR.” Its given out at the annual dinner in December, is open to current members, and if you submit a paper you are eligible to receive one of the coveted Sigerson Awards (light hearted awards for best contributions).

For this Christmas Annual I created a word search puzzle based on themes from this summer conference. I tired to make it a bit hard, as these Sherlockians are very well read and really smart. I even added extra words that were not included on the list of words to find. Hehe.

Aho, Melissa. 2019. “A Dark, Wicked, and Strange Word Search” in The Norwegian Explorers 2019 Christmas Annual, No. 18: Mystery, Imagination, and Horror, by Ray Riethmeier and Phillip Bergem, Editors. Minneapolis, MN: The Norwegian Explorers of Minnesota, pages 27 and 80.

My Sigerson Awards was: “The ‘Very Pretty Problem’ Award for her puzzle ‘A Dark, Wicked, and Strange Word Search”.

Nicholas Meyer – author (The Seven-Per-Cent Solution and The Adventure of the Peculiar Protocols), screenwriter (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home), and director (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)  was tonight’s speaker and he was wonderful, funny, and a joy to listen too. Sadly no Klingons or whales were included in the talk, but that was fine. He did talk about Holmes, Watson,  actors playing Holmes and Watson, art and artists, books, and music. His take on the the Doyle estate and their control was very interesting and funny. Meyer signed his books, mingled with the Sherlockian crowd, and posed for photos. I always get nervous around people I admire and so I mumbled something about really liking his Star Trek movies, especially with Khan and the whales movie.

A fantastic night for Sherlockians and their guests!