Interesting Info / Photos

The new toy and another step closer to the Dark Side!

I am a PC (personal computer) person. Every since I purchased my first computer, which I promptly killed during a thunderstorm (I returned it the next day, batting my eyelashes and saying ‘gee it just does not seem to work.’ Hehe. It was the early 1990s and I looked way too young to be buying a computer), I have purchased PC’s. I don’t like Mac computers. We have them in the library and I avoid them like the plague (or whatever disease people are dragging into the library these days. Hello my library is for the medical school, so I kid not) and make fun of them. But…

Two plus years ago I did the unthinkable. I purchased an iPhone! Gasp! Eek! And I love the little thing. It holds more than 1,000+ songs, 3 movies, has a great camera, some fun games, and when it kept crashing on me a 1 and 1/2 years ago the Apple Store gave me another one! They just replaced it! For free!

For the past few weeks I have been toying with the idea of getting the new iPhone and finally decided that my old iPhone still worked just fine. But since I am starting the PhD program this fall I thought perhaps I might get a new laptop- a PC laptop. My laptop is a bit old and runs really slow. But I do not want something big and bulky and I do not want to spend a lot of money. So I started to look at the iPads. I did some research (like the good little librarian that I am), talked to people who have them, and talked to some computer dudes who are all very pro-Mac. Turns out they are small, cute, not too expensive and should be able to open Word and PowerPoint with an app. I was sold! So this weekend I made my way down to the Apple store. Perhaps not the best of times to go, as the craziness of the new iPhone is still upon us, but as they are backordered 2 weeks online, venturing down and fighting the iPhone crowds was the only viable option. After 30 minutes in the store I was on my way home and another step closer to the Dark Side.

So will I buy a Mac computer, like my evil twin did, in a few years? No. I do not like Mac computers. But I do love my iPhone and now my new shiny iPad!

A few photos of my cute little iPad!