Flying / Photos

Flying Again!

Flying!!! Flying!!! Flying again….

It’s only been around 8 months since I took control of an airplane and today was wonderful! After I had foot surgery, I refused to fly while I was recovering and its been a very slow healing process and then the Sundowner was getting a new engine, so I had to wait a bit longer. Happily, my foot was in no pain flying today. I was keeping an eye on it, using it gently, and would have stopped the flight if it had. Unfortunately, I had to limit what I could do today due to the engine being broken in, so I ended up flying to Cambridge (KCBG) with Instructor Cheryl. It was a beautiful, blue sky, no clouds, 40+ degrees, no wind, and no traffic kind of flight. I had two perfect take-offs (at Anoka and at Cambridge) and two really good landings, but I did mess up on my calls to Cambridge traffic, but oh well. The Anoka Tower guys (who are wonderful and damn the FAA and the government budget for closing down the KANE Tower- yes, it is political), were happy to hear me and Instructor Cheryl on the radio. You occasionally hear horror stories about tower guys being really mean to student pilots and female pilots, but the guys at KANE are fantastic, patient, and have always been very kind to me over the years I have been flying there. I even get the occasional ‘good job’ and ‘nice landing’ from them, which is the highest form of praise a pilot can receive.