
Thing #22 What Did I Learn Today?

What did I Learn Today is Thing #22.

Learning about anything takes time and 2.0 stuff is no exception. Looking at the list of Library Web 2.0 Blogs I realize that I read a lot of them already. Tame the Web, the Shifted Librarian, and Information Wants to Be Free are three of my all time favorites.

I plan on keeping up with Library 2.0 and Web 2.0 tools by reading the blogs listed above and other librarian blogs. I also read Wired Magazine which is always good for new technology. Just keep reading and talking to people and seeing what they are doing in their libraries is a good way to keep up. Also conferences are good ways to see whats new and hot because people will have posters and papers of the new good stuff! Also MINITEX has great webinars and other classes you can do.