NASA / Science / Space

New Rover on Mars

There is a new rover on Mars!

That little red planet is getting crowded. NASA launched the Mars 2020 mission in July 2020 by NASA and it only took 7 months to reach the red planet when it landed on February 18. The planets were aligned just right, which accounted for the really quick trip. Perseverance, the rover, landed in the Jezero crater which is a 3 billion years old lake bed. Its mission is to look for evidence of life, but the way cooler part of the mission is that the Mars helicopter Ingenuity came along for the ride. So basically there is a drone on Mars! Perseverance has 19 cameras and two microphones onboard, which means we will be able to hear Mars. This is a busy year for Mars as the UAE and China also have missions that reach Mars.
