A beautiful, if a bit cold and windy, day in Mississippi. Day two was relatively quiet and filled with lots of homework, as I am still working on a paper. I went and looked at the beach, so that was fun, but it was too cold and windy to walk down too it.
8-10am Research Teams
I survived the Shaggy’s curse!!! So tonight I went to Shaggy’s with a few PhD friends and totally broke the curse, which I am sure is all Madeline’s fault (she says its my fault. NOT!). One the first day of the PhD program, 3 years ago, I went to Shaggy’s with 5 other PhD students. All but Madeline and myself dropped out after the first semester, but one came back a year later. Those were really bad odds, so Shaggy’s has always been the place that curses PhD students.
The Mustang is acting weird, as the low tire light and message keeps coming up. I looked and all 4 tires look good and do not look low, but strangely all the little covers for the ‘valve stems’ (yes, I had to google that term) are missing. Weird. The Mustang is a beautiful car, but I really prefer the classic 1960s versions and really, its not that much fun to drive (too small inside, bad blind spots, and the hood is too tall).
May the Fourth be With You! Happy Star Wars Day!
- Shaggy’s
- Looking out from our table
- We survived the Shaggy’s curse!
- Chicken Philly
- May the 4th be with you, always.