Minnesota / Sherlock Holmes / U of MN

Dark Places, Wicked Companions, and Strange Experiences: Day 1

Dark Places, Wicked Companions, and Strange Experiences: Day 1

Friday, August 9
8:30 am –4:30 pm – The exhibit “Dark Places, Wicked Companions, and Strange Experiences” open at the Elmer L. Andersen Library.
11:00 am –1 pm – Conference registration on the 2nd floor of The Graduate Hotel.

The Graduate Hotel second floor, Meridian Ballroom:
1:15pm –Opening remarks by the conference co-chairs, followed by presentations.
1:30 pm –Ross Davies –“Dark Places in ‘The Empty House.’ ”
2:30 pm –Regina Stinson –“Deceptions, Disguises, and Dark Secrets.”
3:30 pm –David Harnois –“Boswell’s Journey to the Dark, Wicked, and Strange.”
4:45 pm –Break.

5:15 pm –Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections Meeting, open to all. There will be a short business meeting and special presentation by Jeffrey Hatcher.
Evening free, on your own.


A very fun day. I volunteered at the Conference Registration Booth and had a wonderful time meeting everyone. Then it was off to listen to some really interesting presentations. Unfortunately I had to leave for a prior engagement, so I was not able to attend the Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections Meeting. 

Photo of the volunteers at the Conference Registration Booth. Photo courtesy of Phil Bergem.