Family/Friends / Food

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at my Aunt and Uncle’s house. There was tons of good food, including some excellent baked potatoes and potato salad and I forgot to take a photo, but most items were/had potatoes or bacon. While there were more relatives at the house, only the 4 of us: Mom, Me, Aunt Sue, and Uncle Steve wanted to do a gift exchange. It was fun and I got a book I was wanted “The Devil’s Due” by Bonnie MacBird from Sue. Mom got a CD and some bubble bath, Steve got some much wanted duck tape, beef jerky, and an ugly sweater beer cozy, and Sue got a new autographed Janet Evanovich ‘Twisted Twenty-Six’ from me! We also played bingo and there were prizes. I won twice. It was tough competition playing against all the little kids. The 6 year old I sat next too looked oh so innocent and loud, but the 8 year old told me he cheats at bingo. When prizes are at stake no one is innocent and there is no mercy for anyone’s age! I also got to see the pineapple tree that my Uncle has been growing for 10 years. 10 years and it finally has a fruit- a baby pineapple. 10 years and now its dying. A fun and very, very, very loud night.