Archaeology & Art History / Islamic Art / Photos

A Busy Sunday

Today was one of those wonderful spring days in Minnesota which almost make up for the rest of the crappy weather in winter and spring. Almost. It was 50+ degrees and was bright and sunny.

Besides working, I was able to get in a little shopping this morning and bought this cute little purse made out of seat belts! Yes, seat belts.

I also was able to take a tour of the Islamic Center of Minnesota and the ICM Abukhadra Masjid. Everyone was very nice about answering all my questions about their Masjid. My MA in Art History is on the Masjid an-Nur (also in Minnesota) and I am trying to visit as many Masjid’s as I can. The ICM holds a Interfaith Dialogue every month and is the longest running continuous Interfaith Dialogue in the United States (going on 20 years!) and I was lucky to be able to stay for a few minutes. It was a very interesting group today, comprised of a variety of Christians, Jews and Muslims. Its really wonderful to see people of different religions, cultures and ages talking.