
Sunday December 27

My library was closed today (Sunday December 27), so I was required/forced/notallowedtousevacation to work at another library that they decided to kept open. Yes, the U chose one lucky library to be open on the Christmas weekend, in a pandemic, during the holiday break, with no classes going on, in bad weather, in a locked building requiring access, and did not bother to plow/shovel the roads and sidewalks/railing/stairs. The stairs/railing/sidewalks were worse then I left than when I arrived and the roads on campus were horrible. This is the U’s usual response to any snow – ignore it until its all over regardless if you have buildings open and staff working. There was one, yes one, student there studying, 3 staff (me and two students), two security monitors for a while and then one for the rest of the time and that was it. There was a suspicion of a second student, but that’s unconfirmed and I did see three students walking through, but as they did not stay, they don’t count. I also had to wear a mask for 5 straight hours because I did not have an office and didn’t get my Sunday Starbucks. So a crappy day all around.