Royalty / Sherlock Holmes

The Sherlock Holmes coin

Cold day, cold cash.

My 2019 Sherlock Holmes 50 pence coin has arrived! The Royal Mint in the UK just started to sell them and I wanted one, but the Mint is only selling them with other coins as part of a collection and I did not want them. So I read on Twitter that some people were selling them on eBay and so I found a good price on eBay and purchased one from a UK coin dealer. If you are looking to buy one, buying from eBay is easy. I paid £16.95 for the coin and £9.95 for the postage, bringing the grand total to £26.90 (aka $35.42). So it was a little pricey for a 50 pence coin, but it is Sherlock Holmes. I also received the coin in less than a week, so good mail service.

The Sherlock coin with hat and pipe and surrounded by the titles of the most popular stories was created for the 160th anniversary of Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle’s birth. Happy birthday!

Here I have posed the new Sherlock 50 pence coin next to a 0.25 cent US Quarter coin, so that you can see the size different.