Lecture / Sherlock Holmes

The Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium 2020

The Left Coast Sherlockian Symposium was today! This wonderful zoom event Left Coast At Home 2020 was hosted from Seattle, but the speakers – amazing Sherlockians, were zooming in from around the world and I think I heard that there were 150 people signed up.

Welcome and introduction to Left Coast At Home 2020 by Elinor Gray

“A Friend of Mr Sherlock Holmes is Always Welcome: Elementary Lessons for Sherlockian Students” Rob Nunn will share his thoughts on the similarities between education and this interest of ours.

“The Responsibility of Writing about Baker Street” by Angela Misri had the best quote on writing Sherlock Holmes: “If Stephen King can do it so can I.” Creating a world is one thing – writing in a world created by another writer – Arthur Conan Doyle is quite another. Join this discussion with Angela Misri about respecting the canon created by a great writer while adding your own flavour to the space.

“Baker Street The Magic of Marylebone” by Bonnie MacBird. Bonnie MacBird has been sequestered since March 7th in a Victorian flat just off Baker Street. Having lived there on and off for several years, she will be sharing an informal– artistic rather than scholarly– look at English culture, character, and realities both in Holmes’s time and now, in and around the famous address.

“Sherlock Holmes and the Furtive Festivity.” Mina Hoffman, director, will be screening her short film and discussing the process of making a Sherlockian visual pastiche in today’s Sherlock-saturated media world. To watch the movie, visit

“As to the Letters…” Les Klinger shares selected material from a trove of letters between Arthur Conan Doyle and John Watson.

Stretch/Lunch break

2:00PM – 6:00PM
Open social hour(s) hosted by speakers and organizers.