Art / Family/Friends

The Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit

The Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit finished its run in Minnesota and luckily I was able to see it before it left. I went as part of my birthday celebration with friends Kelley and Marc and due to the foot I was kindly pushed in a wheelchair by Kelley. Its a very good friend that pushes you in a wheelchair through an art exhibit! Thank you Kelley! Housed in two rooms, there were 500,000 cubic feet of projections, 60,600 frames of video, and 90,000,000 pixels of van Gogh’s famous art ( It was like walking through a painting. There were people in both rooms, but it was not too crowded. The video was probably on a loop of 30ish minutes, but it was so beautiful that it went by quickly. Then we had dinner at Hai Hai where the spring rolls and the Balinese cauliflower were amazing and I had the Vietnamese crepe which was interesting.