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The End of the World Party: The Last Supper!

“It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine….” and much like that fun song, today is the end of the world. Well it is the Mayan Apocalypse (aka 12/21/12 aka the Winter Solstice)! So we (Mom and I) did what any fun person does on such an occasion- we had a party: The End of the World Party: The Last Supper! and being good Minnesotans we also made it into a potluck. I brought many offerings of chocolate and made spinach dip. It was a very festive occasion with lots of good people, lots of good food, and sadly there was no end of the world Mayan Apocalypse (Not even a plague or a Quetzalcoatl sighting. Man, they just don’t make Apocalypses like they use to).