
Surgery the sequel

Yesterday (Tuesday July 21st) I had foot surgery again. Almost three years ago (September 7, 2012) I had surgery on my big toe on my right foot due to Hallux Limitus an arthritic condition and it was fixed, but the pain never went away. So last year I had new x-rays taken to see what was going on and they found that the big toe joint is still deteriorating. So I was given a 1 to 5 years time limit for the next surgery or as the doctor said ‘whenever you can’t stand the pain anymore’ and my two options were: get a new titanium joint or have the joint fused together. After a year of chronic pain in the foot and the back (as the back would hurt the foot and the foot were hurt the back, creating a never ending cycle of pain) I decided to get the titanium joint – which will only last 10-15 years.

Surgery went well. It lasted a little over 1.5 hours. The doctor apparently found lots of scaring from the previous surgery and he also found that the two little sesamoids bones were fused again to the foot and had to be cut free. They also had to be cut free during the last surgery. After surgery I was in recovery for about 40 minutes and then was allowed to go home and told to stay off the foot, but they did not give me crutches as they want me to walk on it. The pain was not too bad on Tuesday, but today all the pain meds from surgery have worn off and the pain is pretty bad. Also the pain meds they gave me make me drowsy and nauseated, so its been a fun day filled with pain, feeling tired and/or sleeping, and nauseated.