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Reno Day 2

Day 2 at the Women in Aviation International Conference.

Woke up to tons of snow falling and no view of the mountains.

I had a busy day at the Women in Aviation Conference which was held at the Grand Sierra Resort. It began with breakfast where I met Heather Taylor- the director, writer, and producer of the film “Breaking Through the Clouds: The First Women’s National Air Derby.” The film has been Heather’s passion for the past few years. Heather is an amazing woman and you can buy her film at! Then I attended some of the education sessions: “Women in Military Aviation,” “First Ladies of Aviation Around the World,” and “WASP Gold;” attended the lunch (which included a talk by John and Martha King – they even joked about their arrest) where I sat next to some nice female British pilots; and spend lots of time in the Exhibit Hall. In the Exhibit Hall I got to meet WASP’s Bernice “Bee” Falk Haydu, Shirley Chase, and Mary Ann Martin “Marty” Wyall, WASP historian Sarah Byrn Rickman, authors Deborah Coonts and Lynda Meeks, and some cool women over at the Women Military Aviators booth (where a very nice and funny Colonel Kelly Hamilton, USAF, Retired, told me that there are only two things you can be: a women military aviator or a women military aviator supporter!). Also the fantastic Abingdon Company (where I got my aviation watch) had a booth and I got to met the owner Chelsea “Juice” Welch and had my Amelia watch cleaned.

After the conference ended I met up with Mom and we went to supper at the 50’s themed restaurant Johnny Rockets and then did a little gambling. On one slot machine Mom and I each put in $5 each and won $184!!!