Articles/Book Reviews / Melissa

My book has an ISBN!

So just for fun, I decided to Google the name of the book that I am co-editing The Machiavellian Librarian: Winning Allies, Combating Budget Cuts, and Influencing Stakeholders and something finally came up! This is what I found: publisher information, a listing on, and an ISBN!!!

The first item to come up is from the publisher- Chandos, which has a description of the book, author info, social media info (including a Twitter posting), a book cover (we have not see a book cover yet, very surprising), a publication date: April 2014 (didn’t know about this either), an ISBN 9781843347552, and a price: Approx. £47.50 / US$80.00 / €55.00:

Then I checked and sadly found nothing, but then I realized that as the publisher is British I should check Amazon’s UK site, so I checked and there it was! Title, book blurb, author info, date of publication: June 30, 2014 (yes, it is different from the one on the publishers site), and a price £47.50:

So feel free to pre-order your copy today or add it to your Amazon wish list!