PhD program / Photos

Mississippi Day #3 aka Stats Final aka Royal Wedding Day!

Up at the crack of dawn (aka 5:30am) today to get ready for the first day of my PhD program May 2011 In-Person Session. When I turned on the TV this morning the Royal Wedding of William and Kate was going on and ‘God Save the Queen’ was playing. Westminster Abbey look great (I toured it back in 1990 and have always loved that building), tons of cool hats were being warn, and it looked like everyone inside and outside the Abbey was having a great time. I remember setting my alarm clock back in 1981 so that my sister and I could get up for the Royal Wedding of Charles and Diana. I mean really, who does not love a Royal Wedding?

Then off to the 7:30AM Welcome and Breakfast. Followed by the Statistics Final at 8AM! Yes, a Stats Final at 8 in the morning. Cruel, oh so cruel. After escaping the Stats Final, I went on to attend a lecture on “The Academic Career” by Dr Sayre and Dr Butler. Then lunch with a round table discussion “Perspectives on Social Science Research with Dr. Paige Gutierrez, Dr. Maria Leonard, Dr. Shahdad Naghshpour, and Dr. JJ St. Marie.”

Then I attended “What is an abstract and how do I write one?” by Dr. St Marie and yes, it was as lively and crazy a talk as you might expect! Next up on the agenda: dinner and research team meetings.