PhD program / Photos / Vine

Leaving on a jet plane….

Leaving Minnesota for Munich, Germany!

The flight from Minnesota to Atlanta was fine or it seemed fine. I slept the whole way and the flight to Atlanta to Munich, Germany was nice and only 8.5 hours long. Basically you are in the air, they give you a drink, they feed you, you watch a movie, you take a nap, you watch something else, you eat, and the plane lands. A few other PhD students were on the plane, which made it more fun. After we arrived at the airport (the scenery looks like Canada or Wisconsin or Minnesota lots of green trees and farmland), we took the train into Munich and then got lost trying to find the hotel. Next we were off walking around Munich look at the Glockenspiel, watched it do its little dance at noon, and had lunch. Then back to the hotel, trying to stay awake to beat the jet lag and not succeeding and off to dinner back by the Glockenspiel at a place called the Ratskeller which was really nice and I had the goulash- which was good. Then the we hiked back to the hotel with a stop for gelato. The weather sadly is overcast and a bit cold.