Family/Friends / Photos

Grandpa Steve

My Grandpa Steve would have been 100 years old today. I remember that he would bike around the block with us and he could peel an apple like a long ribbon. He would listen to baseball games in his chair on his transistor radio. He liked to fish and my grandparents would take my sister and I fishing (on a boat and also on the ice) for sunfish. He always wore his green work outfit around the house after he retired, he raised minnows in the basement, and made bad homemade donuts when we stayed over. We would give him a new crossword puzzle book, socks, and chocolate covered cherries every Christmas. He is the reason I love chicken dumplings (my Grandma would make them for him, even though she hated them). He use to save up his change for his grandchildren and then we would divide it into little piles to make sure it was evenly distributed. We would have had a great party! Happy Birthday Grandpa!