
Election Security: Security for Whom?

I attended an interesting webinar today: Election Security: Security for Whom? presented by the Humphrey School of Public Affairs.

Larry Jacobs introduced the panelists:

Wendy Underhill, Director for Elections and Redistricting, National Council of State Legislatures
Matt Masterson, Senior Cybersecurity Advisor, Department of Homeland Security
Jennifer Morrell, Director of Elections Validation Project, the Democracy Fund
Maurice Turner, Internet Architecture Project, Center for Democracy and Technology

The webinar blurb:
“Good elections are secure elections—but what does that mean? Does it mean that election processes help eligible people vote, while thwarting anyone else? Does it mean accurate vote tabulation—and being able to prove that the counting was done right? Does it mean keeping voters safe at the polls? Does it mean giving the voting public a sense of security in a time of disinformation and misinformation? Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Learn from national elections experts about cybersecurity, election validation and audits, healthy polling places and communicating about security” (