Its official… The Minnesota members of The Explorers Club have formed a sub-chapter (on our…
June 23, 2012Tonight was the summer meeting of the Minnesota members of the Explorers Club, which was…
June 22, 2012My latest book review was just published: A review of Valerie Hansen, “The Silk Road:…
June 20, 2012Solo!!!! No, not Han Solo or Red Solo Cup. Solo!!! As in Melissa soloed today…
June 18, 2012I almost soloed today. Almost. Instructor Cheryl and I discussed it before we left the…
June 15, 2012Back to Lake Elmo (21D) today. A short flight today due to the incoming bad…
June 13, 2012I was a volunteer (with some other Minnesota 99s) today at the Minnesota Air Spectacular…
June 9, 2012Review of Jeffrey M. Stanton, Indira R. Guzman, and Kathryn R. Stam, “Information Nation: Education…
June 5, 2012Today’s flight was to the Crystal Airport (KMIC). From KANE it takes like 6 minutes…
June 5, 2012