Movies / Politics / Social Media

A Virtual Princess Bride Reunion!

Today was the A Virtual Princess Bride Reunion hosted (aka fundraiser) by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Over 110,000 people attended! It has been 30+ years since they filmed one of the best movies of all time: The Princess Bride. While there were some “technical difficulties” is was a lot of fun to watch and lasted over 2.5 hours. The script reading was the best, with lots of: As you wish! Inconceivable! Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


This livestream event schedule:
A script-read by the beloved Princess Bride Cast (those cast members “not dead”): Cary Elwes, Robin Wright, Carol Kane, Chris Sarandon, Mandy Patinkin (he had Inigo Montoya’s sword!), Wallace Shawn, Billy Crystal, Christopher Guest, Rob Reiner, and special guests such as Whoopi Goldberg, Josh Gad, and Eric Idle!
A Q&A moderated by always funny Patton Oswalt (you could see his wife Meredith Salenger aka Natty Gann herself in the background)


(Images from event and Twitter