Valentines Days are sometimes just another day. Nothing to write home about or even a love poem for that matter. Mine started off at a chiropractor appointment at 9am, after 4ish hours of sleep, and to make the morning even more special the temperature was in the negative numbers. As usual the doctor was running late. 17 minutes to be exact. I counted. Also why does your back always hurt more after you leave the chiropractor then when you arrive? One of life’s little mysteries I guess.
The fun part of the day was when Sloane and the kids came over and I got to be the crazy awesome aunt and give them each a large Hersey’s Kiss. I always wanted one as a child, so I figured the kids would like them. Plus its always fun to hype the kids up on sugar and then send them home to their parents. Remember I am the crazy awesome aunt and its my job. I read the fine print for the job of aunt and it includes loud toys, sugar, books, and other messy items.
FYI cats are not impressed by Valentines Day. Its just their way.
Then I spent the rest of the day working on my paper “My Dictator Don’t Tweet” for the conference next week. Ok. Trying to work on the paper for the conference next week. Sadly procrastination hit and the dinosaurs found their betrayal sudden and inevitable (only a few of you will get that quote, which is very sad).
p.s. The best quote of the day comes from Madeline and I will not bore you with the whole wonderfully snarky conversation, but at one part it goes something like this: “Madeline asks Melissa, “Melissa, why did you spend the bail money?? You ALWAYS spend all the bail money!” J wonders what she is referring to. Melissa knows exactly what she is referring to.” HEHEHEHE. For the record and in my defense I do not always spend the bail money on books and chocolate. I spend it on books, chocolate, Black Tea/Lemonade/Raspberry drinks from Starbucks, flying, and classes, because that’s what a marvelous modern woman does. For you dear reader this will make absolutely no sense, sorry, but for a few, you brave few, this will be hysterically crying out loud funny.
p.p.s. Also for the record, NO PhD students, books, chocolate, Black Tea/Lemonade/Raspberry drinks from Starbucks were harmed or needed bail money. I spent Valentines Day night working on my conference paper or trying to work on my paper, but procrastination and dinosaurs interfered. Really. I have witnesses.