For the past week or so I have been checking my ranking on the UMN parking waiting list as I was moving down the list fast, from #6 last week to #3 this week. When I checked my ranking this morning, this was waiting for me:
Later I received this email:
“Melissa Aho,
Congratulations! Your name has come to the top of the waiting list and you have the opportunity to purchase/transfer your parking contract. Please click on the link below to see the location and cost of the facility.
You must accept or decline this contract offer within two business days of the date on this email. If you do not respond within two business days, your name will be removed from the waiting list for this facility only.
Thank you,
Parking and Transportation Services”
Needless to say, I quickly hit Accept. I have only been waiting 7 1/2 years (when the list was over 1,000) to get into the Washington Ramp, so I didn’t need the two days to think it over. Getting into the Washington Ramp is like getting the golden ticket. I always figured it would take me 10 years and then after I was in for a day or two I would either win the lottery or get a new job. So here’s hoping for a lottery win tomorrow!
- Old parking spot