99s / Social Media

Social Media and the Minnesota 99s

At the last Minnesota 99s meeting I recommended that our chapter start to have a social media presence on Twitter and Facebook. Everyone liked the idea and so I became the Chapter’s Social Media Coordinator (and since that time another MN 99s has said she that she would also be an administrator on the Facebook page too. Which is excellent, as more people posting the better). So I set up the new Twitter @Minnesota99s and Facebook accounts. Twitter was easy, but Facebook was a bit more involved, as when you set up a page in FB, it does not let you set up a normal page, like any person can. Oh no. Facebook makes it a bit more tricky. First you have to create a page off your own personal account and then they will not give you a normal account URL until you have at least 25 followers or likes. So after I created the page, I sent off a post to my wonderful friends on Facebook and a bunch of them ‘liked’ the page and now we have an official URL. If you have a chance, please checkout and follow or like our Twitter and Facebook accounts!