So to catch up…
Saturday night: Finished finals!!! Then Saturday night stopped for fried ice cream on the way to The Dock at a great local Mexican restaurant. At The Dock restaurant, I was able to see live and in person the craziness of the those from the South and their obsessiveness over college football, as everyone watched the game while eating and talking, and some tried bravely to explain to me why the game (along with colors, mascots, and school songs) were important.
Sunday was the last day of the In-Person and I did not have class or have to take my Qualifying Exams (6 brave souls took the QE on Sunday), so that left time for walking on the beach (it was very windy and kind of cold, getting lunch, doing some shopping at Barnes and Noble, and catching the flight home. Flight home very uneventful (found out that there is no Delta Sky Lounge in Gulfport, but Memphis has a nice one). Home to cold weather and snow, no internet, and chow main leftovers. Its good to be home.
- Issam eating all the ice cream
- Me, Madeline, and the lovely fried ice cream
- Kim not sharing!
- Barbara-Anne
- Mexican restaurant looking festive
- The Dock
- The Dock
- The Dock