In my previous life I was as an archaeologist. I went to school to study archaeology, visited archaeological sites, did laboratory work (cleaning and processing artifacts), went on digs as a student, volunteer, intern, and even for a short time a paid archaeologist. I even have my own trowel (no its not sonic)! In honor of International Archaeology Day here are a few photos from my archaeologist phase of life:
- Minnesota
- Placencia, Belize
- Lake Titicaca on the way to Isla del Sol
- Door of the Sun at Tiwanaku, Bolivia
- Peru with the twin
- Machu Picchu, Peru
- Machu Picchu, Peru
- Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
- Pyramid of Djoser aka Step Pyramid, Egypt
- Valley of the Kings, Egypt
- Chichén Itzá, Mexico