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Hamilton the movie on Disney+

In case you were not aware Hamilton was released today on Disney+. Being a huge Hamilton fan I watched it 2 times in the first 24 hours it was available and it was so worth it! It’s an amazing, wonderful, and very funny musical. And they even included a one minute intermission. Haha.

Hamilton went live at midnight on Friday July 3, 2020 aka 2am Minnesota time. However I thought it was 3am on Friday, so I checked at 2:50am and there it was, so I thought I would just watch a few minutes and 3 hours later there was sunlight and birds chirping. Then on Friday night at 7pm aka 6pm in Minneapolis there was a watch party from the Hamilton cast and crew on Twitter, so I watched along with Mom and Tweeted. Such an amazing musical and film (one wonders how many Oscars it will win). I still can’t get over the songs, the singing, the dancing, the lighting, and how fast they sing! Really, I am not kidding you, they sing really, really fast in some songs. So my advice is to watch the movie one time with closed captions on so that you can see all the words as they sing. It’s amazing how much you miss and I noticed that I goofed up many lyrics trying to sing that fast. I am sure there are many more Hamilton viewings in my future. And yes, I know they have taken many liberties with the history and so what, I don’t care. It’s a musical not a documentary. Just sit back, sing, smile, laugh, cry, and enjoy it. We all need to see something good and fun in 2020.

I do wish that they had done a 30-minute special on the Hamildrops or the Hamilton Mixtape songs. Take a look at the updated version of ‘Burn’ by a few of the actresses who have played Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton:, or Weird Al Yankovic’s 5 minute classic: ‘The Hamilton Polka’, or the song about my favorite founding father ‘Ben Franklin’s Song’ by The Decemberists (be aware there is some swearing, but it’s used well). Check all the other songs on the Hamilton YouTube page


(Tweets from and,,,,,,