U of MN

Graduate and Professional Education Assembly

On Wednesday April 2, I attended the Graduate and Professional Education Assembly Spring 2014: Building Digital Capacity in Graduate Education: Tools, Technologies, Best Practices and Issues. It was a half day event with posters, speakers, and some breakout sessions. It was a great event, I learned about some really cool projects going on at the UMN, and ran into some people that I know.

1:00 – 1:45 Digital Fair (posters)
1:45 – 2:00 Refreshments and transition to tables (Mississippi Room)
2:00 – 2:05 Welcome and overview: Sally Gregory Kohlstedt, Acting Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Education; Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, and History of Science and Technology Program
2:05 – 2:15 Opening remarks: Karen Hanson, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
2:15 – 3:15 Panel presentations
1. Research and scholarship using digital tools, technologies and approaches
Lucy Fortson, Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy
Steven Ruggles, Regents Professor and Distinguished McKnight Professor, Department of History; Director, Minnesota Population Center
2. Teaching and learning in digital contexts
Chris Cramer, Associate Dean, College of Science and Engineering; Distinguished McKnight Professor, Department of Chemistry
Ann Hill Duin, Professor, Department of Writing Studies; Director of Graduate Studies, Scientific and Technical Communication Program; Senior Affiliate, Jandris Center for Innovative Higher Education
3. Communicating and curating scholarly information in a digital age
Douglas Armato, Director, University of Minnesota Press
Wendy Pradt Lougee, University Librarian and McKnight Presidential Professor

3:15 – 3:30 Q&A with panelists: Sally Gregory Kohlstedt (moderator)
3:30 – 4:15 Breakout discussions
Breakout 1: Digital programs, digital courses: What’s current and what’s on the horizon in digital graduate education?
Breakout 2: Digital Humanities and Digital Scholarship
Breakout 3: Creating and maintaining your professional digital identity (for graduate students and advisers)
Breakout 4: Teaching and learning using digital technologies: Where do I start?
Breakout 5: What do I need to know about protecting my digital work? What do I need to know before using others’ digital creations?
4:15 – 4:30 Sharing insights from breakout discussions and next steps (Mississippi Room): Scott Studham, Vice President and Chief Information Officer (moderator)
