Today I flew to Lake Elmo!
When I was flying out of the Anoka Airport this morning, there was this really cute black airplane (a Stinson trimotor) that pulled up next to my airplane (don’t you love how the iPhone bends the propellers). When I was done taking photos and we were finally up in the air, I did some maneuvers and then Instructor Cheryl and I decided to head over to the Lake Elmo Airport.
The Lake Elmo Airport is an non-towered airport and it has a really short runway, but its a pretty area with all the lakes, trees, and the farmland and there are some beautiful houses in the area. It was a bit windy and I had never been there before, but Cheryl had and she also had a map. So it took us about 10 minutes to get there. An easy flight. We circled the airport and landed. Both Cheryl and I got out Fly Minnesota passports stamped with the Lake Elmo (which is strangely listed as St. Paul – Lake Elmo) symbol and after I took a few photos we were off. We did two more touch and goes (one of which was pretty bad) and then we flew back to Anoka, where I did great landing (probably my best one to date). A very fun afternoon!
This is the 4th airport that I have landed at: Anoka (my home airport), Flying Cloud (in the R22 and I did not get a stamp), Cambridge, and Lake Elmo. Only 130+ airports to go in Minnesota!
- New Lake Elmo stamp!