Breakfast: 7:30-8:30 AM
Welcome from Conference Conveners: 8:30-9 AM
–Dr. Robert J. Pauly, Jr. and Dr. Joseph J. St. Marie (Co-Directors, International Development Doctoral Program)
Speaker #1 (U.S. Foreign Policy and International Development Overview): 9-9:45 AM
–The Honorable James Kunder (German Marshall Fund of the United States, Senior Fellow; U.S. Agency for International Development, Acting Deputy Administrator, 2006-09)
Coffee Break: 9:45-10 AM
Speaker #2 (Cultural Aspects of U.S. Foreign Policy): 10-10:45 AM
–Commercial Counsel Naufel Al-Hasan (Embassy of Iraq)
Coffee Break: 10:45-11 AM
Speaker #3 (Security Aspects of U.S. Foreign Policy): 11-11:45 AM
–BG Ferdinand Irizarry (Deputy Commander, U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School)
Coffee Break: 11:45-Noon
Lunch and Speaker (U.S. Foreign Policy and Afghanistan): Noon-2 PM
–Ambassador Ronald Neumann (President, American Academy of Diplomacy; U.S. Department of State, Ambassador to Afghanistan, 2005-07)
Panel #1 (U.S. Foreign Policy and Social/Cultural Development): 2-3:45 PM
–Dr. Montgomery “Mitzy” McFate (U.S. Naval War College)
–Dr. Joseph Baptiste (Caribbean Research and Policy Center)
–COL (Ret) Richard Welch (U.S. Army; Chief of the Reconciliation and Engagement Program for Multinational Division-Baghdad, 2007-11)
–Moderator: Dr. Robert J. Pauly, Jr. (Co-Director, International Development Doctoral Program)
Coffee Break: 3:45-4 PM
Panel #2 (U.S. Foreign Policy and Economic Development): 4-6 PM
–The Honorable Edward Fox (President and CEO, Fox and Associates; U.S. Agency for International Development, Assistant Administrator for Legislative and Public Affairs, 2001-07)
–MG (Ret) Thomas Matthews (U.S. Army; Joint Special Operations University, Subject Matter Expert for Joint Military Campaign Planning)
–COL (Ret.) Thomas Baltazar (U.S. Army; U.S. Agency for International Development, Senior Advisor for Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs)
–Moderator: Dr. Shahdad Naghshpour (Professor, International Development Doctoral Program)
Break: 6-6:30 PM
Cocktail Reception: 6:30-7 PM
Dinner and Speaker (U.S. Foreign Policy and Iran): 7-9 PM
–Ambassador and Dr. John Limbert (U.S. Naval Academy; U.S. Department of State, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Iran, 2009-10)
Busy day with lots of great talks. Ambassador Ronald Neumann and Ambassador and Dr. John Limbert were very kind and sign their books for me. Also had mango creme brulee which was good, not great.
- Conference room
- Lunch
- My lunch fortune
- Mulder? Bat signal? X-Men?
- Dinner
- The fight on the bar TV, oh sorry, the debate on the bar TV
- Mango creme brulee
- Mango creme brulee