I flew to Osceola, Wisconsin tonight and landed at my first Wisconsin airport! Sadly Wisconsin does not have a passport program going on. Slackers!
What had been a long, crazy, and foul week ended with a lovely flight tonight. The flight to Osceola only took between 10-15 minutes one way. Instructor Cheryl would not let me use the GPS, so I navigated with a map. Yes, I flew and read the map at the same time and no, we did not need to pull over and ask for directions. Luckily Minnesota has a lot of landmarks and lakes. Ok, so the lakes do tend to look the same from an altitude of 3,000 feet, but the flight was a calm one, with pretty scenery filled with lakes, farmland, and the St. Croix River. We did a few touch-and-goes at the Osceola Airport, where I did 1 good landing, 1 bad landing and 1 ok landing. Then we flew home. After we landed, I was taxing across runway 36 and there were 4 cranes walking by! They just ignored me as I taxied the airplane by.
- Cranes at Anoka
- Cranes at Anoka
- Grass runway
- Osceola Elevation sign
- Osceola Airport
- Windsock at Osceola