With a table a group of 8 ladies we were bound to have a good time.
Tonight was ‘Chocolate and Lace’ Blackjack ladies event at Running Aces Harness Park. There were 8 of us this time: Mom, Me, Kelley, Cheryl, Sue, Janet, Kathryn, and Maggie, the largest group we have brought to the event, and it was so much fun. We had a table all to ourselves and after seeing the psychic (I drew the owl card- apparently there is deception & trust issues on the horizon; the earth fairy card- I need to focus on my health, diet, and finding a balance & I need to go with the flow more; and the raven card- which is pure magic and good/unexpected news & surprises will be coming, and she said that romance is on the horizon this summer, so that was very nice and much better than the death and extreme change cards I got last year) and eating chocolate and various other desserts (the food was wonderful this time) we started to play blackjack. Maggie came in 1st place and Cheryl came in 2nd place! Way to go Maggie and Cheryl.
- Good news? Well thats good
- Good news Mom?