Day three in Toronto, Canada! A bit warmer than the previous day, but still cold and damp. Once again I was up early for a 8:15AM panel on Drone Warfare and International Relations. I also did a bit of shopping and found a Harry Potter book for my collection. Then I attended the 1:45 Technology, Security, and Drones panel. I also got a chance to visit the vendors room where one of the booths had books for $5.00! It was too good of a deal not to get a few things that had been on my to buy list. I also came across and purchased the new book by Evgeny Sergeev “The Great Game 1856-1907: Russo-British Relations in Central and East Asia” (which was discounted 40%). You can never have too many books on The Great Game! Madeline and I went to Ruth’s Chris Steak House for dinner (fantastic food) and they surprised me with a piece of chocolate cake for my upcoming birthday (Madeline had mentioned my birthday when she was making the reservations)! A great day!
- Harry from Canada
- $5.00 each!
- Dinner
- Soup!