Melissa / Movies / Science Fiction

Con Man

Early this year there was a crowdfunded campaign through Indiegogo for a web series by Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion, which was described as:

“Con Man centers on the post-show life of Wray Nerely (Alan Tudyk) the co-star of “Spectrum,” a sci-fi series, which was canceled before its time and went on to become a cult classic beloved by fans. Wray’s good friend, Jack Moore (Nathan Fillion) starred as the series Captain and has gone on to become a major celebrity, while Wray (Tudyk) hasn’t found his desired level of stardom. Wray is the begrudging guest of sci-fi conventions, comic book store appearances, and different pop culture events; however, everything is not as it seems from the outside. The series will explore these events and all the weird and crazy things that happen to them along the way” (

Now being a Firefly fan (if you don’t know what that is I just feel sorry for you) and being a convention geek (didn’t everyone have a friend who made them Star Trek uniforms?) in a former life, it was just too much fun not to back. So I did and got my name in the credits!

Fast forward many months and its finally live on Vimeo. While the producers of this web series do have terrible customer service (I sent two emails about my backing and never received a response and they goofed up on my name in the credits, as they did not capitalize my last name), the show is delightful. Would I back them again? I don’t know. Cute series and great cast vs. terrible customer service and messing up on my name. Tough call.

(Images from and